Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pin Me Up Photography

Ok, so some of you may have already heard my utmost content with this company... The story goes like this.... Marilyn Sanchez is a former student of mine from the Wedding Planning course taught at Miami Dade Community College. She is an excellent event planner that decided that she needed to add a "kick" to her career. After taking photography classes, she realized what her true passion is.... PHOTOGRAPHY! I built up the courage and took her up on the offer of having my pictures taken. The only reason I hesitated was because I am overweight and although I feel pretty, weight will always be a factor....

During the shoot, Marilyn made sure to make feel as comfortable as possible. She brought along great music and although it was early in the morning and there was absolutely no champagne involved ( the energy in the room was overflowing!!!! She reminded me of how beautiful I am and I can honestly say that her comments allowed my confidence level to rise up to the sky. Marilyn was very patient and accommodating throughout the shoot. Her style is to bring out your natural beauty and to make you feel sexy no matter what the size....
So here is just one of the many AMAZING shots she took.....

Marilyn Sanchez website is her email is and her number is 305. 878.0221
Tell her Alice from Affairs Remembered sent you!
Good luck being a DIVA for a day.. or two!!

1 comment:

MarylenExposito said...

You look absolutely stunning!!!! I need to find the courage to do this:)