Thursday, June 4, 2009

Proud mommy moment!

It with joyous tears in my eyes that I share with you all, that I now have a kindergartner and a second grader! Wow even writing it seems weird!

My daughter Macy, 5 years old, just graduated from PreK and will be entering Kindergarten in the Fall. She is so knowledgeable and so prepared for Kindergarten I am almost scared to see what feedback the teacher will provide me with!

My son Andy, soon turning 7 years old (incredible how fast time flies by...) just graduated from first grade and will be entering second grade. Andy is a smart but somewhat lazy boy! He is currently reading at grade level but what a struggle that has been! Geeshh... On the other hand he can recite the words to every Thomas the Engine book/movie and Cars (the movie).

I am so grateful to have such a blessed family and healthy children. They are my life and although parenting and having a career is often a challenge I wouldn't give it up for anything in this world!

Thank you for allowing me to share my more "intimate" and "family" moments!

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