Monday, March 30, 2009

So... you want to be a photographer????

As some of you may know... I absolutely LOVE the camera. I love taking pictures and having fun while I am at it. Yesterday the very talented and good friend, Martha Ramirez ( had her monthly photography seminar and asked me if I wanted to model for the students. I probably said yes before she even asked me....
The students only had 5 minutes to take as many pictures as possible. They had to be creative (I must admit I know my better angles so I helped them out) using different poses, chairs and backdrops. Here are some of my favorite shots they took!

If you are interested about learning more about this seminar please contact Martha Ramirez or Oly Trigo at 305.668.7171. Their magnificent and cozy studio is located at 6321 Bird Road and their breathtaking website is Please tell them I sent you and always remember to have fun and most importantly LAUGH!!!!

1 comment:


Really great candid shots Alice!